
Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future




Nature’s Laws of
Harmony in the
Microcosm of Music

Part 1   •   Part 2


Music as a Harmonic
Medical Data Carrier

The Special Status of the
Ear in the Organism

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

The Significance of the
Soul to Medicine

The Significance of
our Consciousness
to Medicine

The Significance of the
Soul to Human Evolution

The Future of Pharmaceutics


The American Institute
of Stress

World Health
Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress + Heart Disease

The Unborn Child

Special Care Baby Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

Social Medical Significance

Headaches & Migraine

Harmonic Information
as a Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

MRT Music / Function



Medical Research –
Clinical Observations


Medical Music Preparations on CD


Peter Hübner – The Significance of our Consciousness to Medicine

Medizin Aktuell: Herr Hübner, in this con­text it is not a co­in­ci­dence that you are talk­ing about break­ing through the third known main state of con­scious­ness: deep sleep – that state, where a per­son falls into men­tal un­con­sci­ous­ness, and even loses his con­scious­ness of life – where he no longer even knows that he exists: where the ques­tion of his ex­is­tence no longer arises at all – can arise …

Peter Hübner: … where the abil­ity to ask him the ques­tion about his ex­is­tence at all has gone astray; be­cause to ask a ques­tion, some­body must be there in the first place to ask the ques­tion.

Medizin Aktuell: And that per­son is no longer there dur­ing deep sleep – be­cause the per­son in deep sleep has even lost his own con­scious­ness of life.

Peter Hübner: That is right. For this rea­son we have to learn to break through this third main state of con­scious­ness of deep sleep ...

Medizin Aktuell: ... this “ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of our so-called civi­lised world’ – as you often call it.

Peter Hübner: In mod­ern civi­li­sa­tion – above all of west­ern char­ac­ter – it is typi­cal that the peo­ple, who are the least sci­en­tifi­cally, cul­turally or hu­manely edu­cated in gen­eral, like to ap­ply this term to them­selves and their ru­ined world full of un­solved prob­lems.

Medizin Aktuell: You proba­bly mean our poli­ti­cians you criti­cise in a clear and un­mis­tak­able way, as we all know.

Peter Hübner: Un­for­tu­nately!

Medizin Aktuell: Their “so-called civi­lised world” has no knowl­edge of fur­ther states of con­scious­ness – except per­haps in mod­ern sci­en­tific medi­cine; be­cause there at the Uni­ver­sity of Berke­ley in Cali­for­nia two young sci­en­tists al­ready dis­cov­ered and proved a fourth main state of con­scious­ness at the end of the six­ties, i.e. a com­pletely new state of con­scious­ness for sci­ence, when us­ing Tran­scen­den­tal Medi­ta­tion.

Peter Hübner: I have known one of these two sci­en­tists for more than thirty years, and for quite some time there has al­most been a friend­ship be­tween us.

Medizin Aktuell: It is also in­ter­est­ing that the other one has just been awarded the Hans-Selye-Prize as the foun­der and man­ager of the Mind-Body-In­sti­tute at Har­vard Uni­ver­sity dur­ing the con­gress in Ha­waii at which you gave your talk.
Hans Selye is the prede­ces­sor of Prof Dr Paul Rosch MD, the pre­sent pre­si­dent of the Ameri­can In­sti­tute of Stress, and he was the first to mould the term “stress”, as we know it to­day and use in­ter­na­tion­ally. He in­tro­duced this term “stress” into ob­jec­tive sci­en­tific medi­cine.

Peter Hübner: The ex­peri­ence and find­ing of this fourth main state of con­scious­ness, which nec­es­sar­ily re­quires the afore­men­tioned break­ing through of the ab­so­lu­te sound bar­rier of our civi­lised world of deep sleep, pro­vides us with ini­tial find­ings and knowl­edge of in­ner cos­mic ar­eas of life, which be­fore were com­pletely closed to us in the nar­row con­text of the first three main states of con­scious­ness.

Medizin Aktuell: And it is not as if, when first over­com­ing deep sleep, you now sud­denly knew it all, and eve­ry­thing was clear as to what other things ex­isted be­yond our ma­te­rial world!?

Peter Hübner: No – only very gradu­ally do the so far un­known cos­mic worlds be­yond our deep sleep open up to us. And when we break through the wall of our deep sleep again and again, we fi­nally re­al­ise that and how the ma­te­rial world is a prod­uct of the men­tal world, which again is a prod­uct of the pow­ers fur­ther inside: deeper ly­ing cos­mic worlds – up to the soul and/or to the uni­ver­sal world of the soul and be­yond this.

Medical Music Preparations on CD